If necessity is the mother of invention, then have I got some necessity to drop on you! :-)
I'm also introducing a new category: Gizmos & Gadgets - in honor of all the tools and handy little, well, gizmos that make my life easier. They'll come from all over, since there's no limit to where we can benefit from a little extra productivity or ease. And sometimes, just sometimes, you'll even be able to outsmart your toddler at lunchtime!
So the story starts with a simple grilled cheese sandwich ...
... and my question of "Do you want me to cut it in squares or triangles?" To which the toddler in question answered quite cheerfully "Circles!"
Circles, huh? Not to be outwitted by a three year old and two slices of bread, I stared at the sandwich for a moment. How do I do this easily? A regular knife was just not going to cut it - cheesy pun intended. :-) But I realized I did have a tool at the ready ... enter the Gadgety Gizmo!
My Trojka kitchen shears from IKEA. A whopping $1.99 (plus tax) and best of all they are dishwasher safe. And on this occasion they also turned my lunchtime geometry problem into short work. Observe!
Ta da! Circles! I was obviously impressed enough with myself to re-stage and photograph the entire thing, and I think DD#1 was pleased as well, since 'circles' is how she has continued to order her grilled cheese and other sandwiches since that moment of discovery. But really, with the kitchen scissors you can sculpt your sandwich into just about any set of shapes imaginable. Discover, experiment, and bon appetit!
Handmade Mother's Day Card Ideas
10 months ago
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